The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Search Results - jacobo+morere+rodriguez

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Method, Device and System for Active Cooling of Cold-Spray Nozzles
Cold Spray technology is a deposition process in which metal powder particles are accelerated by injection into a high-velocity stream of gas at temperatures below their melting point through a de Laval nozzle. However, clogging in the inside of the nozzle during the deposition process presents a significant challenge for this technology. This UMass Amherst invention provides a new method, device and system for active cooling of cold spray nozzles that can effectively prevent clogging and increase the operating life of the nozzles.
Published: 1/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): James Watkins, David Schmidt, Jacobo Morere Rodriguez, Victor Champagne
Category(s): Devices, Engineering, Material science